Where We Work - The Intervention
Fellowship for Local Youth - FLY-G
The goal is to support those who have an inner passion to work towards individual and social change using education as a tool. The project will target young girls and women from the rural, tribal and forest dwelling communities in Uttarakhand and UP. These fellows will experience regular mentoring, workshops and training for empowerment leading to decent economic growth by engaging children in education.
Location: Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh), DehraDun, Haridwar (Uttarakhand) – Shivalik Range of Himalayas
The fellowship program is for 6 months. The fellowship program provides fellows an opportunity to develop their ideas through mentoring/coaching from dedicated mentors and working on education on a regular basis.
The communities we start with are tribal and forest dwelling. The community (rehabilitated and non rehabilitated) are still encountering challenges of education. Education of girls has been an issue in these communities. As part of our efforts we have identified girl youth from the community who can work as rural women education entrepreneurs. They would be role models for the younger girls and also facilitate education with special focus on the girl child. Over the years we have been successfully engaging the youth to work with the children. The fellows would be selected on the basis of - motivation, interest and willingness - to work towards the challenges of education locally.
We intend to create local leaders working on local solutions to local problems. This will help impact the education of children especially the girl child in particular.

Whole School Transformation
Whole School Transformation of Public Schools - access, availability and affordability - of school primary and middle school education for children from rural, tribal, OTFD communities.
Location: Border areas of DehraDun (Uttarakhand) and Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh), Haridwar in the lower Shivalik range close to Rajaji National Park.
Education among the children from the communities inhabiting forest areas varies as the per location though substantial set of children from the community have no to poor access to education. The access is also determined by the relative economic well being, sedentarization of the community over the years, and a host of other factors.
Children from communities who are a part of the peripheral areas of the forests have been unable to get education due to issues of access, availability and affordability in addition to the awareness and low literacy levels. There has been a year on year loss of learning for the children as a result they have been unable to reach senior or higher schooling as well.
Formulate an educational intervention with the participation of the community enabling education (K12 framework) under community ownership and leadership building capacities for sustainability.